“The Aesthetic of Otherness: meeting at the boundary in a desensitized world” (see www.taorminaconference2016.com/eng) was the first joint conference of the Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy, an international community, and the European Association for the Gestalt Therapy. These are the largest gestalt therapy organizations in the world. The conference was held in Taormina, Sicily from September 21 through 25th, 2016. There were nearly 1000 registrants.
The conference had 3 plenary keynote addresses and almost 100 workshops, panels, and lectures. I was honored to be chosen as one of 3 respondents to Donna Orange’s keynote addresses” the “My Other’s Keeper, Resources for the Ethical Turn in Psychotherapy.” Her address and the responses are available at http://www.taorminaconference2016.com/eng/presentations.
Additionally, I was also on a panel, “The Aesthetic of the Emerging Other: beauty, responsibility and evil at the contact-boundary” with Sally Denham-Vaughn and Gianni Francesetti and gave my own workshop, “Finding the Other: the relational function of self.”
Texts of my comments from both panels can be downloaded here.
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Evil. The sight that can’t be seen (PDF file)