Gestalt Associates Training Los Angeles (GATLA) is organizing its 47th Annual European Summer Residential Training Program that is taking place in Serock, Poland, on July 25 – 27, 2018.
This year I am the “Distinguished Gestalt Visitor” for the program.
As you can read in GATLA’s website:
“This is probably the oldest annual psychotherapy training program worldwide. The purpose of this program is to provide the highest quality of training available for psychotherapists in Gestalt and Experiential psychotherapy and other relational models of therapy while retaining the flexibility to be adaptable to practitioners of Cognitive Behavior Therapy. All faculty will do clinical demonstrations and all work will be related to theory. Participants in the Clinical Practicum and MasterClass groups work with clients from lower groups in individual therapy under supervision of faculty, Distinguished Gestalt Visitors and/or Group Leaders.”