Publications: journal articles, book chapters and edited books

Many of these have been translated into other languages, including French, Italian, Spanish, German, and Russian. I only list English language publications, unless not published in English.

You can also follow me on and YouTube.


“Predatory and Affective Violence,”

with Michele Gecele, Giovanna Silvestri and others, Gestalt Review

“Response to Panelists,”

chapter in Beyond Trauma, edited Gianni Francesetti, Michela Gecele, and Gianni Nebbiosi

“Field Perspectives in Relational Psychoanalysis, Response to Donnel Stern,”

chapter in Field Perspective in Clinical Practice, edited by Gianni Francesetti, Michela Gecele, and Paolo Migone


“Evolutions and Developments of an institute at its source: the NYIGT,”

in Rivista di Psicotherapia.GTK. n. 10


“Introduction: ‘Just what has this to do with the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy?’ “,

in The History, Theory and Community of Gestalt Therapy: Exploring the New York Institute, by Vaclav Pfeifer-Mikolasek

An Afterword, a coda -a pause, to consider

in Francesetti, G. (2022). Fundamentals of phenomenological gestalt psychopathology: A light introduction. l’Exprimerie des paroles parlantes.

To Hold the Hands that Hold our Hands: Responsibity of Contacting

in Cole, P. H. (Ed.). (2022). The relational heart of Gestalt therapy: Together in the therapeutic process. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge.  Pp 74-81

A Field-emergent Approach to Gestalt Therapy

Long residential workshop, Institut für Integrative Gestalttherapie, Würzburg, Germany, 2022

To the Edges of Contacting: the other in the shadows

Workshop, Institut für Integrative Gestalttherapie, Munich, Germany, 2022


“Be Careful Where You Step… here and there….”

UK Association for Gestalt Practitioners, Newsletter, Summer

“From the Night Before Being: Contacting the Other in Gestalt Therapy,”

Gestalt Review, 25(1), 2021


“Intentionality of Contacting – Weaving the Fabric of Relationality,”

The Humanistic Psychologist, 48 (4) 389-396

“Archimedes’ Lever – Philosophy and Psychotherapy – the tool of thought.”

Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, No 1 (2020)


“From sentience to sapience: the awareness-consciousness continuum and the lifeworld”

Gestalt Review, 23(1)

“Neither from the ‘inside’ looking ‘out’ nor from the ‘outside’ looking in,”

afterword, Psychopathology and Atmospheres: Neither Inside Nor Outside, Francesetti and Griffero, eds., Cambridge Scholars Pub

“Gestalt therapy and phenomenology: When Parallel lines Intersect,”

Handbook for Theory, Research and Practice in Gestalt Therapy, 2nd edition, ed. Philip Brownell, Cambridge Scholars Publishing


“Evil: the sight that cannot be seen,”

in The Aesthetic of Otherness: meeting at the boundary in a desensitized world

“Response to Donna Orange’s Plenary Conference Address, ‘My Other Keeper, Resources for the Ethical Turn in Psychotherapy,’”

in The Aesthetic of Otherness: meeting at the boundary in a desensitized world

“Contact Interruptions, with Karen Humphrey”

Gestalt Review, 22(1)


“Il continuum consapevolezza-coscienza e l’ambiente come mondo-della-vita. La terapia della Gestalt compie una svolta fenomenologica”

Quaderni di Gestalt 1/2017, pp. 34–52


“ ‘Gordon Spare that Tree!’ Goodman’s Self and Contemporary Gestalt Therapy…”

Gestalt Review, 20 (1)

“The Relational Function of Self: self function on the most human plane”

In Self, a polyphony of contemporary gestalt therapists, J-M Robine (Ed.) l’Exprimerie, St Romaine Vivriée, France


“Re-Thinking Mania as a Tool to Revise Some Gestalt Concepts: Brainstorming in Emails between Michela Gecele and Dan Bloom”

In Absence is the Bridge Between Us, G. Francesetti (Ed.), Istituto di Gestalt HCC Publications

“Schema therapy… responses by Dan Bloom, Philip Brownell, Iris Fodor, and Scott Kellogg”

In Gestalt Perspectives on Research, Theory, and Practice, G. Mistler, P. Brownell (Eds.)


“Introduction: The New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, a world institute”

In The New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy in the Twenty First Century, Co-edited with Brian O’Neill, Ravenswood Publishing

“Contact at the Source of Experiencing: Jean-Marie Robine with a duet by Dan Bloom”

In The New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy in the Twenty First Century, Co-edited with Brian O’Neill, Ravenswood Publishing



In Healing Perception, by Des Kennedy, Ravenwood Press

“Situated Ethics and the Ethical World of Gestalt Therapy”

In Gestalt Therapy in Clinical Practice: from psychopathology to the aesthetics of contact, G. Francesetti, M. Gecele, J. Roubal (Eds), FrancoAngeli:IT

“Reflection: In Dialogue with Philip Lichtenberg’s ‘Inclusive and Exclusive Aggression’ – A Window to the Next Resistance.”

Gestalt Review, 13 (1)

“Commentary III: ‘Therapeutic Democracy'”

Gestalt Review, 13 (2)

“Persiguiendo el arcoíris: la terapia Gestalt y la estética material, fundacional y emergente”

Revista Figura-Fondo, 27


“One Good Turn Deserves Another…an essay on The Relational Approaches of Gestalt Therapy.”

Gestalt Review, 15 (1)

“Sensing Animals/Knowing Persons: a challenge to some basic ideas in gestalt therapy”

In Gestalt Therapy – Advances in Theory and Practice, Talia Bar-Yoseph Levine (Ed.,) Rutledge



In Gestalt Therapy, Guidebook for Mental Health Professionals, Philip Brownell, Springer Verlag


“The Phenomenological Method of Gestalt Therapy: Revisiting Husserl”

Gestalt Review, 13 (3)

Commentary I: “Let’s Go Round Again: Response to Gaffney’s ‘Cycle of Experience Re-Cycled’ ”

Gestalt Review, 13 (1)

“In Memoriam, Richard Kitzler”

Gestalt Review, 13 (1)

“Forward,” in Eccentric Genius: An Anthology of the Writings of Richard Kitzler

Gestalt Institute Press

“A Quest for Gestalt Therapy Group Process as Self Process”

Studies in Gestalt Therapy: Dialogical Bridges, 3 (1)


“New Feet Were Asked to Fill Another’s Shoes…”

British Gestalt Journal, 17 (2)


“Phenomenological Method”

(with Todd Burley) in Handbook for Theory, Research, and Practice in Gestalt Therapy, Phil Brownell (Ed.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing


“The Aesthetics of Commitment (revised)”

British Gestalt Journal, 14 (2)


In Panic Attacks and Postmodernity, Gianni Francesetti and Michele Gecele, Ed. FrancoAngeli


“Laura Perls in New York”

International Gestalt Journal, 28 (1)


“The Emergence of Foundational Gestalt Therapy”

International Gestalt Journal, 27 (1)


“Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright” – Aesthetic Values as Clinical Values in Gestalt Therapy

In Creative License: the Art of Gestalt Therapy, Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb and Nancy Amendt Lyon (Eds.), Springer Verlag


“The Song of the Self: Language and Gestalt Therapy – Words of Fire, Words of Stone”

Gestalt Journal



The New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy in the 21st Century, An Anthology of Published Writings Since 2000

Co-edited with Brian O’Neill, Ravenswood Publishers


Continuity and Change: Gestalt Therapy Now

Co-edited with Philip Brownell, Cambridge Scholars Publishing



“In Dialogue with Dan Bloom”

With Forest James, in Gestalt Journal of Australia & New Zealand, 8 (1)

Journals Edited

  • Special issue editor, “Gestalt therapy and the other,” Gestalt Review, forthcoming
  • Editor in chief, Studies in Gestalt Therapy: Dialogical Bridges
  • Associate editor, Gestalt Review
  • Co-book review editor and English language editor, Quaderni di Gestalt

Unpublished Papers

These papers were prepared for conference or institute presentations and not submitted for publication.

  • Contacting the Other
  • Contacting: the arc of intentionality
  • Experience Indivisible
  • Aspects of depression
  • Dwell of Loneliness: On Narcissism
  • Jack the Ripper and the Aesthetic Criterion: Gestalt therapy and the structure of evil
  • Self: structure/function
  • Talking in the House of the Other
  • Contacting – yesterday, today, and tomorrow
  • Resolute Anticipation: time hunts us down. (Eulogy for Richard Kitzler)
  • A Short Summary of Self

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