From “Situated Ethics and the Ethical World of Gestalt Therapy” Bloom, 2011
I have been in the private practice of psychotherapy in downtown Manhattan. My practice has been online since 2020 in East Hampton, New York, and New York City.
My psychotherapy training was with Laura Perls – one of the founders of gestalt therapy – as well as with other influential developers of gestalt therapy, such as Isadore From, Richard Kitzler, and Patrick Kelley at the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy.
I am fellow of the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, the first gestalt therapy institute in the world. I am member of the International Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy and the European Association for Gestalt Therapy.
In addition to being Fellow of the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, I am also president of the New York Institute and past-president of the Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy. I am a co-founder of the International Gestalt Therapy Study Group on Field-Emergent (
I am adjunct faculty of Gestalt Associates of New York, the Gestalt Center of New York, Portland Gestalt Therapy Institute, The Center for Somatic Studies NY, The Gestalt Training Institute of Malta, and visiting international faculty, Istituto di Gestalt HCC, Syracuse, Italy, Instituto Humanista de Psicoterapia Gestalt, Mexico City, Mexico, and Kiev Gestalt University and the Gestalt institutes of Kharkiv and Dnipro, Ukraine. I have taught and done workshops in 14 different countries.
In addition to teaching at those psychotherapy institutes, I conduct workshops and lead online and in-person seminars as an independent trainer. I present papers, lecture and offer workshops at conferences worldwide.
My writings about psychotherapy have been published in major international gestalt therapy journals as well as in chapters in many books, and have been translated into 8 languages. I have co-edited 3 books in gestalt therapy.
I am on the Scientific Board of the Gestalt Therapy Book Series of the Istituto di Gestalt HCC, an associate editor of the Gestalt Review, English language and book review editor of the Quaderni di Gestalt, and senior consulting editor, Ravenwood Press. I am the former editor-in-chief of the international journal, Studies-in-Gestalt Therapy: Dialogical Bridges.
My FaceBook page(danbloomnyc) contains continuing updates.