Dan Bloom

I have been in private practice for more than 30 years and teaching and supervising psychotherapists for nearly as long.


Individual Therapy

The core of my practice is individual psychotherapy with adults of all genders and sexual orientations. I have experience working with people in the various professions such as law, finance, business, and the arts. I also have expertise with LGBT concerns.

I am available for online therapy sessions for people unable to travel to New York.

Group Therapy

In group therapy a person explores individual concerns in an interactive group setting. This is effective with social and interpersonal issues.

Couple Therapy

Working with couples is another significant part of my practice. In couple counseling people experience that to communicate includes both being listened to and being open to listening.

Gestalt Therapy Training and Supervision for Clinicians

I train and supervise psychotherapists independently as well teach as adjunct faculty at many different psychotherapy institutes in New York City, South America, Europe, and Australia.

My independent training includes in-person and online seminars, workshops, conference presentations, and lectures.

I also offer supervision in individual, couples and group psychotherapy, both in New York City and via online meetings.

More details of my training for clinicians as well as a more detailed description of gestalt therapy is elsewhere on this website.


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